Sunday, November 25, 2007

welcome & first post

greetings and salutations, welcome.

on december 23rd i'm leaving on a jet plane, several jet planes actually.

toronto --> chicago --> tokyo --> bangkok

once in bangkok i plan on sleeping in the airport and catching another plane to koh samui, where i'll spend a day recovering from my marathon of air travel and then hopefully make it to koh tao for december 26th. i've got several days of diving planned, but after that everything's wide open until i go back to bangkok and catch a flight to tokyo on jan 14th. it's not nearly enough time to really enjoy thailand from everthing i've heard, but it's what i've got so i'm going to use it.

in case you're wondering, this blog is a self indulgent attempt at documenting my trip, and to give myself some focus i'm going to use the food i eat as the lens for the documentation, unless of course i'm actually inspired to blather on about something else. expect photos of tasty thai food and stories of how damned hot it was, maybe a couple sunset at the beach photos too.
