- fresh pineapple juice: 50 baht
- grilled red snapper with crisp basil: 250 baht

holy sauce batman! now i'm not the most discerning person in the world, but even i know that completely covering fish with a thick cream sauce is something of a crime. underneath the sauce the fish itself was fresh if a little overcooked. the crisp basil was basically a garnish and played no role in the flavour of the fish.
on the whole, a bit disappointing but not unexpected as i'm not exactly staying at the best resort on the island (it's ok and inexpensive, which is good enough for me). tomorrow i'll find a proper restaurant with better food and hopefully upload the pictures so far.
oh, and i saw people pulling christmas crackers on the beach, which was double plus awesome
merry christmas!
Merry Christmas!
thanks cara! merry christmas to you too.
btw: I think i've got the same dive instructor that matty had, can you ask him if he was taught by mike from the uk?
Hey you made it to koh tao on time as I'd speculated, so I'm owing you $20 and a red snapper done in some civilized fashion. Cheers to you Darren. Enjoying your gastrnomic blogs.
Mike is Scottish, correct? Always sunburned?
Mike does the open water course. Super nice guy.
The advanced open water course was done by a German guy but I don't remember his name. He'll make you work hard than Mike.
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