- mango shake: 40 baht (i think)
- ton yan soup with shrimp: 80 baht
you learn something new every day i think, and today i discovered not to spoon a huge chunk of fresh ginger into your mouth and chew on it. now you might think that would be obvious, but i'm not always the fastest fish in the reef so no comments from the peanut gallery.
once i finished sputtering and coughing i thoroughly enjoyed this soup. a mildly spicy soup flavoured with ginger and lemongrass (i think), with fresh shrimp. a tasty broth, with onion, tomato and some unknown green leafy bits floating around, perhaps some foodies in the audience can identify the components once the pictures are uploaded).

in non food news i've had my first day of diving instruction, which basically amounted to being handed a book and chatting with my instructor (mike - who by the way thinks he may have taught matt, do you remember him matt?). i had the option of watching a couple hours of videos, but given the choice between reading on a beach or sitting and watching a video for 2 hours, i'm off to the beach.
pics jyess???
A good Tom Yum soup is a fantastic thing.
I am very envious of your scuba adventure - did you happen to bring a waterproof camera with you?
pics soon! i've found a computer where i can likely upload my pics from, either tonight or tomorrow morning.
no waterproof camera, but one of the advanced dives is a photography dive so i'll likely buy/borrow one. will keep you posted
Ditto on the pics please.
So the food sounds pretty good so congrats. Koh Tao was, rather ironically given your 'lens', a former prison island where lack of food and malnutrition lead to many deaths, often through acquired malaria.
Best of luck with the diving and best regards for the holidays and the coming year. Hope Phaic Tan was somewhat helpful. Regards - Brady
Actually it's galangal in the soup, not ginger, although the two are very similar.
Hahaha I tried the eat the lemon grass the first time I had Tom Yum Goong. I chomped on it for a while before I figured out that, hey, maybe I'm not supposed to eat this....
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